I help you live the life of your dreams

Understand the best path for you

I have a simple questionnaire to help you find the consultancy that will bring you the most results.

"Every time I have a spiritual consultation with Eric, I leave feeling lighter and with a more organized life."

Laine Valgas Journalist and presenter
for NSC TV

"I want to thank Eric
for existing and for helping
so many people."

Vanessa Tobias
Vanessa Tobias Entrepreneur

"The tools taught in the Empower Thyself course have helped me to live with more purpose and passion."

Ingrid Weber

"I've always been someone who looks for something to strengthen me.
And I feel I've made a leap in that search."

Sonia Nunes

"The class is one more step towards finding ourselves and discovering the Divinity that exists within us."


"A lot of forgotten wisdom. I discovered that, in fact, the answer is always within us."

Amanda Zulen

Free e-book
Avoid pitfalls on your way

Who am I?

A spiritual counselor, I provide guidance and support to people who are searching for a deeper understanding of themselves, their connection to the universe and their purpose in life.

This journey often involves exploring issues of a spiritual, emotional and existential nature.


Upcoming events

1-2 FEB | Minneapolis Minnesota

11 JAN | Winnipeg Canada


Barbara Segura testimonial

Jordan Bain testimonial

Bradford White Testimonial

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