Building Wealth

To Build True Wealth You Need to Understand Flow

Build wealth with practical and effective strategies!

Building Wealth


It’s interesting that money seems to be the stumbling block to doing exactly what we want… that and time… don’t you agree?

So let’s talk about what money is.

How do you use it?
How can you amplify your life?
How can you amplify who you are?
What is true wealth?

Why does the term elicit such a strong and unique response from different people?
What the world has learned about wealth has been distorted, corrupted, masked and hidden.
The truth is that everyone deserves and can achieve wealth in their lives.

Financial freedom isn’t about a retirement plan or a savings account, it’s about releasing the negative emotional attachments that are trapped and tied around money.

You can fully access this cash flow and bring more of it into your life!
Do you want to have more money in your life?
Are you tired of fighting to survive or just having enough? 
Do you want to prosper rather than just get by with your financial situation?
Do you want to succeed in creating more wealth for yourself, your family and friends?
Do you want to know the secrets that the richest people on the planet know?

How much will it cost you not to know the secrets of building wealth?
And yes, you can do this without cutting back on spending or the things you love!

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then this workshop has something great for you, including some very practical ways to generate more money.

The Building Wealth workshop is about learning to make better decisions that can lead to true wealth and financial freedom!

Join us for this important workshop on how to build wealth
with Modern Mystery School’s international instructor ERIC THOMPSON

Explore your unlimited potential for abundance!

January 11 – Winnipeg Canada
January 18 – Boston Massachusetts

+55 (48) 99129-0763 (WhatsApp)

Investing in building your wealth:

£450 (first 15 places)
£500 (16 – 30 seats)
£550 (more than 31 seats)
Prices including VAT and CC

£250 deposit

Prerequisite: Life Activation

Minha jornada de autodescoberta


Ao longo da minha vida, trilhei um caminho de conquistas externas, mas sentia um vazio interior que me perseguia, mesmo trabalhando em um ótimo emprego e ao lado de grandes nomes do cinema internacional.

Explorei diversas filosofias e religiões, buscando respostas em tudo, desde a sabedoria oriental até os ensinamentos espirituais mais profundos, mas nada parecia preencher o vazio que eu sentia.

Apesar de ter colaborado em projetos premiados, como o CD multipremiado do Blues Traveler, e de ter trabalhado diáriamente com ícones da indústria do entretenimento em Hollywood, como no filme ‘O Homem de Ferro’, ainda me sentia preso em um ciclo de altos e baixos emocionais.


Building a Life of Sustainable Joy and Fulfillment in the New Paradigm

Spaces are limited.
Save your spot now!


Spaces are limited.
Save your spot now!

Investing in building your wealth:

£450 (first 15 places)
£500 (16 – 30 seats)
£550 (more than 31 seats)
Prices including VAT and CC

£250 deposit

Prerequisite: Life Activation



Eric Thompson is an international instructor, spiritual consultant and speaker having brought powerful transformational teachings to 1000’s of people in Brazil, UK, Canada, Romania, the United States and South Africa.

He helps you to unlock keys to knowing yourself so that you can eliminate what is blocking you from your desires and becoming your true self.

One of his best strengths is in making esoteric teachings very practical and applicable in the physical world. Helping you to get results is his top priority.

Eric Thompson © All rights reserved
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