Is Your Mind Ready to Manifest Your Dreams?

We have many goals and dreams that we want to achieve.

This can be represented by a seed.

Now if I want to plant a seed I want to plant it in very healthy soil, in clean soil where I can put the seed so that it grows and gives the result I want Now imagine… you plant that seed in the middle of this rubble, in the middle of this garbage.

We could say that it’s your limiting beliefs, your worries, your distractions. that we have here inside our minds.

Imagine if I were to plant this seed here, what do you think the chances are of it giving the result you want?

What are the chances of this seed becoming that realized project?

Now imagine all your ideas, your projects, everything here in this seed now being planted in this fertile soil.

Imagine the results you’ll get from planting here.

A beautiful tree of fulfillment is growing in the way you’ve always dreamed.

So, what do I mean by that?

Planting a seed in clean soil or planting it in dirty soil is what I wanted to show you, the importance of having a clean mind, a clean subconscious, because that’s what’s causing you not to manifest all your desires in this world.

Cleansing the unconscious, the subconscious is the best thing we can do to have this ground cleared so that we can begin to realize all our dreams, all our ideas, all our projects.

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