Releasing Your Negative Emotions

Releasing Your
Negative Emotions

Understand how to defeat your Negative Ego and achieve inner peace

Understand how to defeat your Negative Ego and achieve inner peace

Releasing Your Negative Emotions

Maybe you’re at a point in your life where you’re trying to change, but something deeper seems to be holding you back.

Do you feel stuck in repetitive patterns and unable to reach your goals? In this workshop, I will show you how to master what is truly blocking your progress by going beyond superficial symptoms and addressing the root of your problems.

I’ve been there myself. I had a life that many would consider perfect in Hollywood—huge house, luxury cars, surrounded by celebrities—but inside, I was unhappy and emotionally unstable. I sought various ways to distract myself, but nothing addressed the cause of my suffering.

It was only when I began to explore what was really behind my problems that I found tools that transformed my life.

Today, I teach people around the world how to break free from autopilot, escape the hamster wheel, and create the life they’ve always wanted. I have helped thousands of people reconnect with their true selves and find the path to a fuller, more satisfying life.

In the workshop “Releasing Your Negative Emotions,” I will show you how to understand and control your mind.

Often, the mind can be our worst enemy, creating traps that cause us to give up on our greatest dreams.
But I will teach you how to turn your mind into your greatest ally, allowing you to finally live in control of your own destiny.

Together, let’s explore how to free yourself from the grip of the negative ego and take charge of your life once and for all.

Transform your mind into your greatest ally and take control of your destiny

Sign up now and free yourself from what's stopping you from living the life you truly want!

January 12 – Winnipeg Canada
January 19 – Boston Massachusetts

+55 48 9129-0763 (WhatsApp)

Spaces are limited.
Save your spot now!


Spaces are limited.
Save your spot now!

Investing in building your wealth:

£450 (first 15 places)
£500 (16 – 30 seats)
£550 (more than 31 seats)
Prices including VAT and CC

£250 deposit

Prerequisite: Life Activation



Eric Thompson is an international instructor, spiritual consultant and speaker having brought powerful transformational teachings to 1000’s of people in Brazil, UK, Canada, Romania, the United States and South Africa.

He helps you to unlock keys to knowing yourself so that you can eliminate what is blocking you from your desires and becoming your true self.

One of his best strengths is in making esoteric teachings very practical and applicable in the physical world. Helping you to get results is his top priority.

Eric Thompson © All rights reserved
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